Drawn: ‘Death Is Not The End’


Happy Easter!

Here in Australia we celebrated Easter over the weekend. Though it’s a time that some people like to associate with chocolate eggs (and who doesn’t love chocolate eggs! :)) and rabbits, some people also like to spend this time of year remembering how Jesus died and came back to life again.

I wanted to share with you a postcard design I did last year during Easter. The brief was to create a design around the phrase “Death is not the end”. As I wanted this phrase to reflect how Jesus died I turned the “T” into a cross – which is what Jesus was killed on. But I also wanted the design to reflect how Jesus came back to life I turned the “ND” of “end” into pictures of an open tomb – which represent Jesus’ empty grave (empty because he was no longer dead!).

It took a few attempts to get the design correct on paper but eventually I ended up with the sketch below:


I scanned this sketch and using Photoshop, I coloured it and ended up placing it over a picture I shot when I was in Cambodia.

The picture was taken at Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum, where many Cambodians died horrific deaths during the Cambodian Genocide. It was a picture of a place which represented, for me, how devastatingly painful, final and hopeless death can seem.

The phrase ‘Death is not the end’ however, represents the hope we can have in Jesus. Jesus died so that we have hope of a new life after death (which you can read more about HERE !). Death does not have to be final and hopeless!

But back to the design – I was and still am pretty pleased with how it turned out!


Thank you for letting me share with you another piece of my artwork!

I hope you have a great week! x


Happy Easter!


Happy Easter!

Its been a while since I crocheted amigurumi,  so I was more than happy to get back to it when I found this cute Ichigo-Chan Easter Bunny Pattern by Mei of AmiguruMEI.

This well written pattern was quick and easy to follow and in little time I had my very own bunny ready for Easter.


The details of the bunny – its bow and popping cheeks as well as embroidered eyes were a different but delightful way to how I usually decorate my amigurumi.


The only things I changed in this pattern were (apart from the colours and positioning of the arms) were crocheting a tail instead of using a pom pom. You can kind of see it in this picture – I forgot to get a proper shot!


I hope you all enjoy your Easter weekend. I will be spending mine with this little rabbit, much chocolate (much of which I’ve already eaten!) but more importantly remembering how Jesus so generously, willingly and lovingly died for my (and your) sins so I/we will never have to.

Happy Easter!

Easter Weekend

easter weekend 1


How was your Easter weekend? Easter weekend is one of my favourite of the year. Apart from being the longest public holiday of the year it’s also an opportunity to indulge in chocolate and more significantly (or for me!) reflect on why I am a Christian.

The long weekend was also a great time to wind down with some quick, trivial amigurumi – like the tiny chicks in this post. The pattern is from Ana Paula Rimoli’s blog here. I hope to use these chicks to play ball games with the pre-schoolers I teach Sunday School to (as I think there is a limit as to how many times we can play “What’s the time Mr Wolf”!).

easter weekend 2



easter weekend 3


Other cool things I spotted in/from my backyard this weekend included this…

easter weekend 8


Hope everyone had a relaxing Easter weekend! 🙂